فارسی عربي


Things you didn’t know about ‘Iran Trotter’

The Iran Trotter host Javad Qaraei has in interviews with local media outlets, made so many interesting tips about the show and himself, in response to journalistic questions. Here’s part 11 of his comments.

In this installment, you read about the difficulties the crew faced, all through the way.

I’m a fastidious kind of person; that’s true about me in each and every aspect of my life. Even if I were to make a single-episode program on nature, it would have to possess a multitude of visual and semantic attractions, which came in variety, originality and specificity, to go under the crosshairs in my pick. But if I wanted to choose people and a certain ethnicity, it would have to be the most aboriginal, pristine of people, in the most pristine sport, where beauty was at its zenith, and specificity, in its summit.

So, those criteria made it very hard to choose; we had to make so many trips for producing each episode, and take into consideration a plethora of ideas. And this produced our itinerary, to places and people who had not been watched; people made of light and crystal, as I may put it, in an unrivalled part of God’s nature.

If you want to know about the production conditions, I can say they were tough. To produce the series, we had to use canned food for 12 to 20 days in a row, during each trip. We experienced sleeplessness due to fatigue, as well as extreme cold, and different bugs that bite you. And as I briefly discussed before, we experienced death one night, when at the summit of Alborz mountain range, we were caught in a thunderstorm, with lightning hitting around our cottage, all night. That’s what we witnessed with our own eyes, and the crew were scared to death.

During one of the excursions, our cameraman was injured and we conveyed him to Tehran. I myself, also went through several damages to my body, such as diaphragm tear, spinal and neck discus problem, etc.

Despite all the hardship, with the help of God and our being highly motivated to serve our people, we didn’t fail to perform our tasks, and worked wholeheartedly; though that’s what every Iranian is duty-bound to do.

In the next installment, you’ll read about narration and voice over.

Stay with our tour of Iran Trotter’s comments in the future episodes of this report.

To watch the past episodes aired on ifilm, click here.

